How Do Kids Learn To Read?

I’m sure most parents don’t think about the process of learning to read until they have children of their own at home grabbing for books. As a teacher myself, I cannot tell you how many times parents have come up to me asking questions about how they can teach their children to read at home. […]

How To P.I.C.K. The Right Book

Want to know a secret? Helping children learn how to choose the right book to read is simple! It’s all about one little word that they can keep in their back pocket whenever they’re in the library, at the classroom reading center, or at the book fair. All they need to remember is P.I.C.K. P.I.C.K. […]

Teach Your Children to Read in 7 Easy Steps

I’m sure most parents don’t think about the process of learning to read until they have children of their own at home grabbing for books. As a teacher myself, I cannot tell you how many times parents have come up to me asking questions about how they can teach their children to read at home. […]

Single Moms

Single moms need all the help they can get! The job of raising children is a daunting task for most of us, but for single moms, it can be overwhelming. Whatever the events of the past that led to you raising your children without a father in the home, they will undoubtedly have left you […]

Romantic Getaways

A Romantic Getaway may be just what the doctor ordered! With all the hustle and bustle of our lives these days, it is often hard to find time to relax with a loved one. But family relationships could improve if you can manage it, and a romantic getaway may just fit the bill. Now, I […]

Buying Maternity Clothes

Maternity Clothes needed for your constantly changing size and shape! For the 9 months of your pregnancy, your body will be changing shape and size, and regular clothes just won’t be as comfortable for you. Designs have changed in the last twenty years, thank goodness, and with new fabrics available too, that means that maternity […]

Baby Purchases

Having a baby is an exciting time, but it is also a time of choice. For your first baby, you will probably be trying to buy everything new, and only the best is considered suitable. But what is the best these days? There are numerous products out there for babies, many similar products, with only […]

Dining Out

Dining Out on a Budget – now you can eat in restaurants and save money too! It is always a treat to eat out and not have to worry about making a nutritious – or otherwise! – meal out of the few groceries you have left in the house! But when you are on a […]

Kids & Chores - they don't always go together!

But can they? The life of parents is never easy, whether we work outside the home or not, and this is not the only reason why we need to get our kids to help with the chores – regularly, and without fights and tantrums (from either you or your children!) As youngsters, many will copy […]

When Emergencies Hit

Emergencies happen, so be prepared! Whether we like it or not, emergencies can and will happen, and of course usually do so at the worst possible time, not that there can ever a good time ! So the best thing we can do is to try to be prepared ahead of time for whatever situation […]

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